Rites Controversy

During the late 1500’s and 1600’s, there had been conflicts between the Catholics and Confucians. Matteo Ricci allowed Chinese to keep their filial devotion to their ancestors while practicing Catholicism at the same time. In the other side, the Dominican missionary was against Ricci considering that Catholicism should not blend together with Chinese traditions. They both had different interpretation to their beliefs. Although Emperor Kanxi first allowed Ricci to spread Catholicism while allowing them to keep their Chinese traditions, he made a decision to ban Catholicism as a new missionary came and decided to spread a new perspective of their beliefs.

I think Matteo Ricci’s idea was the best for both Catholics and Confucians because it is fair for both side; Chinese could practice Catholicism while staying filial to their seniors and ancestors by doing traditional Chinese ceremonies and having ancestral name tablets set up at their houses.

“Why should there be differences between the (missionaries’) various nationalities and various religious institutes and communities, when they are worshippers of the same Deity?  If they live and work together they will not compete as rivals.”

I completely agree with what Emperor Kanxi has said above and the other missionary should not be against Ricci’s way of spreading Catholicism; allowing people to use Tian and ShanDi in referring God. I agree with Qing Emperor Kanxi in banning the Catholic missionaries from China. If I was the Emperor Kanxi, I would do the same thing because the Chinese traditions and Confucian Classics play important roles in the Chinese History. I think Emperor Kanxi made the right decision for the Catholic missionaries who did not allowing the Jesuits to practice their Chinese tradition, which prevented the old Chinese traditions and a huge part of Chinese History to be erased.

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